Wednesday, October 21, 2015

SWT Magazines, dont buy them!

Usually, when I do a review, it is based on a product that I like that is lesser known, that there isn't much information on out there. I want to spread the word about quality products at bargain prices. I'm not the guy who is going to buy the expensive version of everything and I don't believe in the "buy once cry once" mentality. A lot of the time, this turns out well for me (like with my trigger, I still can't believe that was only $50 total reviewed HERE). Sometimes, it does not turn out well for me and this review is one of those times I wish it would have worked out.

I frequently check out the deals on slickguns, its a great website if you shoot, it does a lot of the bargain-hunting work for you. I have been aware of the sportsman's guide for about forever, I remember in the 90's they used to sell military surplus stuff from over in Europe and had a lot of cool camping type stuff. I happened to be looking over slickguns and saw a deal on polymer 30 round AR-15 mags, 3 for $20 with free shipping. I was pretty blown away because I figured even if they weren't sturdy, a $7 30 round AR mag is about the best price you are going to find anywhere.

Other than the spiffy window, they look pretty similar
Out of the package, the magazines look pretty similar. Both sturdy black plastic, both have texturing for gripping, both have slightly larger basesplates, both have a slick to the touch follower.

However, there is a huge difference between them, and I'm not talking about the window. One of the magazines will actually lock up in the magwell, the other one will not. Since the title of this post isn't "Don't buy pmag gen2," its probably easy to tell which one had the issue. I tried all three of the magazines I got, none of them would lock up in the magwell with the bolt closed.

That is all kinds of not good. . .
When I tried to lock the bolt back, insert the mag and drop the bolt, I was in for another surprise. As you see in the picture to the left, the bolt comes about halfway, catches on part of the magazine & locks up. Even if it could use momentum to push a round into the chamber, its not going to be able to ignite it (which is a good thing).

So, at this point I have 3 options: return them for a refund (in which I'll probably have to eat return shipping), return them as defective and hope they send me replacements which actually work, or try to do a little gunsmithing with the dremel tool and see if I can make them work.
I really haven't decided what I'm going to do, but apparently I'm not alone and this is not a one off thing affecting my specific rifle. There is a guy HERE on youtube which has a not as bad version of the same issue. . .

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